
SasuNaru The Missing Spark 13

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SasuNaru The Missing Spark Chapter 13

This is a Yaoi story. Enough said. I don't own the characters in this story, but I do own the story so don't use it without my permission.

“Well, I never thought I'd see you here. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Cut the crap Itachi. I know you would never be happy to see me.”

“My my. Someone is in a foul mood. What's wrong dear brother?”

“You know bloody well what's wrong Itachi!” Sasuke screamed at the top of his lungs.

“Oooo.  Temper temper Sasuke. You wouldn't want Naruto to get hurt would you?”

That dulled Sasuke's fury slightly but not enough. Sasuke lunged at Itachi but before Itachi could even react Naruto had jumped between the two of them and held them away from each other.

“Sasuke, what are you doing? What did Itachi ever do to you? Isn't he your brother? Why would you want to kill him?”

Itachi chuckled. “Yes dear brother. Why would you want to kill me?”

Sasuke glared at Itachi. You know full well you monster.

“Well, I must be going now, Naruto, Sasuke. I have things to do before dinner. Have a good day.”

When Itachi had left Naruto felt Sasuke relax. What could have caused that reaction?
You really don't remember much do you boy?
What, are you trying to tell me that you know why Sasuke reacted that way to Itachi?
Yes. Of course I'd know.
Tell me.
Heh. No way. You'll just have to remember if you want to know. It'll give you something to work towards.
Naruto couldn't believe how the fox had refused to tell him. He decided it wasn't worth getting annoyed about though.

“Naruto,” Naruto looked up at Sasuke, “Why did you stop me? Why did you protect him?”

“Well, why not. I always felt safe around him for the first few months I can remember. There was just something about him that drew me to him.”

Naruto stopped talking when he saw pain again fill Sasuke's eyes. “Sasuke, why do I always seem to cause you pain no matter what I say?”

Sasuke looked at Naruto when he heard the slight pain and confusion in the boys voice. Naruto looked confused like he usually did lately but, there was something else there too. It looked like something he hadn't seen in a very long time. It was very faint, but it was there, a single spark. A spark that he hadn't seen since he had lost his Naruto to whatever these people had done to him. Sasuke knew it then, his Naruto, the one he loved, was still somewhere inside this boy that seemed to be so different yet the same. Sasuke stood there for a while, just staring at the small amount of proof that there was a chance of getting Naruto back to normal. Naruto looked up at the clock then.

“Wow, where has the time gone. Sasuke, if we don't leave now we won't make it to dinner in time.”

“All right. Lead the way.”

Naruto began to pull Sasuke along and Sasuke found that he didn't mind it one bit. They eventually got to the dining room and Naruto got Sasuke to sit beside him at the dinner table. When they had sat down however everyone seemed to glare at Sasuke and nothing else. Naruto tried to ignore it like Sasuke was but after a while he just couldn't take it.

“What is it? What's wrong with all of you?”

“What is He doing here.” Kisame asked, emphasizing the 'he' and pointing at Sasuke.

“He earned it fair and square.” Naruto replied, glaring back at him.

No-one spoke for the rest of dinner. The silence was deafening. When dinner was over the leader spoke up. Naruto wasn't paying attention because he wasn't talking to him and he was still upset about how the others had treated Sasuke. He didn't know why that was though. Other members had been treated that way when they failed to complete a mission, even Itachi had been treated that way and he had even joined them in doing it, but just the idea of Sasuke getting that same treatment for nothing, or even if he had failed a mission, he just couldn't stand it.

“Alright. It's settled then. Naruto.”

“Yes sir?” Naruto snapped his head up at the mention of his name.

“Sasuke will be staying in your room as we don't have any extra rooms.”

“Yes sir.”

“Everyone else, your dismissed to do the missions assigned to you. Naruto. Your mission for the next few days will be to make sure that Sasuke is settled in. Make sure he is comfortable. That will be all you have to do until I say otherwise.”

Everyone went about their business and Naruto led Sasuke to his room.

“Well, This is my room. Make yourself at home.”

Sasuke looked around. The room was nothing like he had imagined it. Not a speck of color anywhere. Everything was just white. The only color in the room that could be noted was the beds. Naruto, for some reason, had two beds of different colors. The colors, of course, surprised Sasuke.

“Did you choose the colors Naruto?”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“The colors for the beds. Did you choose them?”

“Oh, that. Yeah, I chose them, why?”

“Oh, no reason.”

One bed, of course, was a vibrant orange that reminded Sasuke of the outfit that Naruto used to wear two years ago. The other one, had been the one to surprise Sasuke. It was a beautiful blue color, almost the exact same as the color of his shirt. They both had a symbol on them, the orange one had a black swirl on it. The blue one, which surprised Sasuke even more, had the Uchiha crest embedded on it.

“Well, the blue bed is yours, I don't even know why I have it really but it always comforted me to have it in my room when I slept.”

“Really?” Sasuke then walked over to the bed.

When Sasuke walked over to the bed  Naruto saw the symbol on his back. He recognized it instantly as the same one on the bed he had just told Sasuke was his.

You didn't hurt yourself did you? Scaredy-cat

Woah... what was that? Naruto felt dizzy and light-headed, placing his hand on his head. Sasuke turned around and, worried that he was going to fall ran up to him and very gently held on to him.

“Naruto. What happened?”

“I. I don't know... I saw the symbol on your back and when I realized it was the same as the one on the bed, I heard this voice in my head..... I think it was yours... but it sounded distant.”

“What did the voice say?”

“It said, 'You didn't hurt yourself did you? Scaredy-cat' Why do you look so shocked Sasuke?”

“Naruto, I said that to you at least three years ago. Around the time when we had first met. I think you just had a flash back.”

“Oh..... then, we have met before....... They lied to me.”

Sasuke was going to confirm what Naruto said when he saw the pain in the boy's eyes. He understood what was wrong. Naruto, who had trusted these people because they had been nice to him and he couldn't remember anything, was finding out the hard way how some people could be.

“Naruto, it's ok. It's not your fault that some people are like that.”

“Yeah, I guess. I just feel so used.”

Sasuke understood exactly what Naruto was feeling but didn't say anything. He knew that Naruto just needed some time to think right now. He watched Naruto go over to his bed and lie down. Sasuke followed suit, going to his own bed.

When Naruto was sure that Sasuke was looking the other way, he pulled something out from underneath his pillow. He didn't know why but when he had woken up that day about 2 years ago, without any of his memories, he had waited to look in the bag he found on the floor beside his bed until the rest of them had left. They hadn't looked inside it, letting him have his privacy in that case, and he was quite glad they did. It was the same thing he was pulling out from under his pillow now. Whenever he looked at it, he always felt safe and loved, and he couldn't bare to part with it. He had forgotten it on his most recent mission but other than that he always brought it with him. It gave him strength in a way, even though he couldn't remember where he had gotten it. He just had this feeling that someone very precious had given it to him.

Naruto looked at it closely again. It was just a simple little fox plushie with a red heart container tied around it's neck. Naruto didn't need to open it to know that nothing was inside but he just felt like he knew that when he had first gotten it chocolates had been inside. Naruto smiled. He couldn't help but feel warm whenever he looked at this little fox. He tucked it under his pillow again so no-one would see it but held onto it all the same.

The next morning, Sasuke woke up to find Naruto still asleep with a smile on his face. Sasuke smiled at the sleeping form of Naruto on the bed and couldn't help but feel a pang of sorrow surge through him. Almost as if sensing this Naruto awoke.

“Good morning Sasuke.”

“Good morning Naruto.”

Naruto looked at Sasuke as he had his back turned and realized that he got the same feeling from looking at Sasuke that he got from looking at the fox. Naruto pulled it out while Sasuke was doing something that would occupy his time for a while. As he looked at it, he had this sudden urge to do something he had never done before. He wanted to show his little fox to Sasuke and maybe ask him if he knew anything about where he had gotten it. As he looked at the fox and thought of Sasuke though, he had the strangest feeling that they were connected. Naruto hugged the fox to his chest and somehow knew within his heart that Sasuke had something to do with this little fox. Alright, I'm going to show him. Even if he laughs at me. Naruto hid the little fox behind his back when he heard Sasuke returning.


“Hey, what's behind your back?”

“Sasuke, I've never told or shown anyone this before but something just tells me that you have to know.” Naruto took a deep breath before continuing, “I have something here that has been keeping me from just crumbling to pieces. I can't remember where I got it or anything like that but even though I can't remember, it makes me feel safe and even loved. That's why it keeps me from breaking down in depression from not being able to remember anything.” Naruto then pulled out the fox from behind his back and looked at Sasuke to see his expression.

Sasuke looked hard at the little fox in amazement. He immediately recognized it and Naruto could tell that he had.

“This is what has been keeping you sane, to put it shortly?”

“Yes. I only know that I got it from someone precious to me.... That's just the feeling I get from it.”

Naruto then passed it to Sasuke to get a better look at it, as he could see from the look in his eyes that he really wanted to. Sasuke looked at it and Naruto saw the look in his eyes that looked familiar, yet very unfamiliar all at the same time. As Sasuke looked at it, he couldn't help feel nostalgic, as well as feeling like he was forgetting something. He thought hard and realized what he was forgetting. Today, was October 10. As he thought about what to do for a birthday present for Naruto, Naruto gazed at the way that Sasuke looked at the fox.

“Hey Sasuke.”

“Ya? What is is Naruto?”

“Well, you seem to get more from it than me so you can have the fox if you like.” Naruto turned to the side, not wanting Sasuke to see how much it hurt him to give the fox away.

“Naruto. Thank you for the kind gesture but you can't give it back to me,” Naruto looked at him shocked. “I gave it to you in the first place. I don't have anything with me for this time at the moment but, Happy Birthday.”

Sasuke couldn't help but smile. Except for the fox being in a box the first time, this was exactly how it happened three years ago. Naruto looked shocked still but took it. He smiled and was about to say thank you when the oddest thing happened. He felt really dizzy, a lot like when he had that flash back before. He fell unconscious and Sasuke just barely caught him before he hit the floor.

Sasuke was really worried now. What happened? Did he not eat enough or something? Sasuke laid Naruto down on his bed. He didn't know what else to do so he stayed by Naruto's side. About 20 minutes later Naruto's eyes began to flutter open.

“Naruto! Are you ok? What happened?”

“Sasuke?” He groaned out, “Where am I?”

“You're in,”Sasuke hesitated then groaned out “your room.”

Naruto looked around and frowned. “Oh, this bedroom. I was hoping it was the one back home.”

“Yeah, you and me both.”

“It is a lot more comfortable there. Heck, I wish I was back in Konoha period, I mean, even with Sakura being there bugging me all the time by going after you and Kakashi-senseit always being late, at least it feels like home.” Naruto turned to Sasuke with a smile on his face, wondering how long it would take him to catch on.

“Yeah, it really............. wait,” Sasuke turned to Naruto, “Did you just say Sakura and Kakashi-sensei?”

Naruto's smile grew even wider. “Sasuke, I don't need a birthday present. You just gave me the best one I could ever ask for. I remember everything.”

Sasuke just blinked at him for a few minutes and then his eyes widened. “Do you really remember Naruto?”

“Hmm.. I don't know Sasuke,” He then sat up and looked Sasuke in the eye. “Does this answer your question?”

Naruto then pulled Sasuke's lips down to meet his own. Before Sasuke could really respond to it however Naruto pulled away. You remember boy!
Yes Kyuubi. I remember.
How long have I waited to hear that. That means we can leave this awful place right?
Just as Naruto was about to answer Kyuubi Sasuke interrupted.

“Naruto, does that mean that we can leave?”

Naruto chuckled. “Yes Kyuubi and Sasuke, that means we can leave. I don't want to spend a second longer than I have to here.”

Both Sasuke and Kyuubi silently cheered. Naruto stood up, gathered all his things, and was going to change out of the clothes the Akatsuki gave him when he remembered that it might be best if they didn't know he had his memory back. They had always told him that his original clothes had been cursed and, trusting them, he had never worn them again.

Later that night, Sasuke and Naruto sneaked out of the Akatsuki base. They had grabbed some food that they would need for the trip and packed it into bags. Once they were a fair distance away from the base  they slowed down a bit, walking at a more leisurely pace.  

It was very silent on the trip because neither boy knew what to say. After a few days travel, all the while keeping their guard up in case the Akatsuki came to take Naruto back, they arrived back in Konoha.

“Sasuke! We're here!” Naruto exclaimed.

Sasuke smiled, knowing exactly how Naruto must be feeling right now. Except for that time almost a week ago, Naruto hadn't been home for two years. Even Sasuke would feel a little homesick. Not that he would admit it.

“Naruto,” When Naruto turned to him Sasuke continued, “Put this cloak and hat on, just for a little while. I want to plan something with our friends who miss you terribly and it will work better if they don't know your here yet.”

Naruto looked like he was going to refuse until Sasuke explained why, but then he reluctantly sighed and put them on like Sasuke requested. Naruto followed Sasuke into the village, keeping his head down like he had when he had no memory. Sasuke had seen Sakura along the way and stopped her.

“Hey Sakura, is Gaara and his siblings here still?”

“Yeah, they're still here. They've been here ever since they arrived about 1½  ago, worried about Naruto, why?”

Naruto, was shocked at what he'd just heard but Sasuke continued. “Well, get them and the others and bring them to the hall where we held Naruto's birthday.”

“Ok, but why?”

“I'll explain it when everyone is there.”

“Ok, anyone specific?”

“Everyone who was at Naruto's birthday about 3 years ago.”

Sakura then ran off to gather everyone that Sasuke requested. Sasuke continued to walk, motioning for Naruto to follow him. When they got to the place where Sasuke wanted everyone to meet he motioned for Naruto to go in as he went in himself. Naruto, who was very confused and curious now, followed him in.

Sasuke made sure that no-one was there then turned to Naruto. “Ok, you can take those off now.”

Naruto immediately removed them. “Good. I hate those clothes.”

“Ok, now follow me.”

Sasuke walked to a place near the stage where there was a place to hide the actors in a play whenever there was a performance. “Hide behind here and don't come out until I tell you to ok?”

“Ok, but why?” Naruto asked, reminding himself of Sakura.

“We're going to surprise everyone. When I tell you to I want you to say hi to them. Act like yourself, that sorta thing. Ok?”

Naruto, who understood what was going on now, was really excited. “Ok!” He then proceeded to hide where Sasuke had told him when he heard the door opening from the outside.

Sasuke and Naruto waited for 10 minutes. Everyone had finally arrived by that time.

“Ok, we're here Sasuke, now what's up?” Gaara called from somewhere in the audience.

“Everyone, it has been a tough 2 years for all of us. When Naruto disappeared it was like all the spirit and joy in Konoha left with him.”

Everyone murmured agreement, some even voicing their agreement more loudly with a 'Yeah.'

“What's your point? That better not have been what we were all called together for.” Lady Tsuande yelled.

“No no.. It isn't. Everyone, please close your eyes, I want it to be a secret until the perfect moment.”

Everyone grudgingly closed their eyes. When Sasuke saw that everyone had done so, making doubly sure that he didn't see the whites of anyone's eyes, he motioned for Naruto to come out of hiding. Naruto came quietly out, not wanting to give himself away just yet. Even Sasuke, who knew Naruto was moving, couldn't hear him. When Naruto was right beside Sasuke gave him the signal that meant he was good to go. Naruto smiled when he saw Sasuke's sign and put their plan into motion.

“Hey everyone! It's good to see you all again!” Naruto even waved excitedly like he usually did.

When everyone heard his voice they immediately opened their eyes looked up to see if they were hearing right.

“NARUTO!!” Everyone was screaming and cheering.

Not a single person was shy in showing their joy at seeing Naruto again, not even shy little Hinata. Naruto couldn't believe how happy everyone was to see him, or how happy he was to see all of them. Everyone came running up at once, wanting to talk to Naruto again personally and ask him what had happened. Naruto grinned. He knew it was going to be a long night but he didn't mind. He was home, and he was going to answer all their questions.
Edit: Chapter 14, like chapter 8, was deleted from DA. For the same reason as chapter 8 for people who've read that one. Here's the link to it on I apologize for the inconvenience.


Naru finally remembered!! I apologize everyone. As some of my readers know, I meant to have this up on the 21 latest but I got really busy. I hope you forgive me, I also made this chapter slightly larger than I planned for being so patient with me. Just like Naru, I'm going to answer any questions that I can if you have any about this chapter. Comment please?
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Syarakoure's avatar
my fav is for both chapters...